Westgate Eagles Football
Some photos of the Westgate Eagles Junior Football team.
Wolf Photos
Photos and video of wolves at the Columbus Zoo, including the Timber Wolf and Mexican Wolf.
It's a Boy
Jenny and I will be new parents again this summer.
Halloween 2004
Some photos of ghastly Halloween scenes on Beggar's night in the Westgate Area.
Assassin Bug Photos
Photos and short video of assassin bugs.
Arizona Plants
Photos of some of the plants I photographed in Arizona.
Cringe Photos
Photographs of Columbus rock band Cringe, including interviews, live concerts, promo shots and practice photos. This is the largest online collection of Cringe photos.
Spider Pictures
Spiders are amazing creatures and good friends of a macro-photographer.
Ohio Salamanders – Tadpole Photos
Photos of salamander tadpoles living in vernal pools of Central Ohio.