Desktops are not extinct
Editorial discussing the notion that the time of the desktop is over. I argue that the advent of smart phones, tablets and mobile devices do not preclude the value of the desktop.
The nature of apathy
To be apathetic is to invite entropy, says Olson. How do we deal with it?
June 15, 2009 Newsletter
Newsletter including the retirement of Jack Buckingham. Discussion on teachers.
March 30, 2005 Newsletter
March 30, 2005 Newsletter.
The other end of life
An emotional editorial by Shawn Olson about old age originally printed in the Messenger.
Voting with the ego.
Egoism may not be popular, but it's what's getting my vote.
Major Directory Changes at ShawnOlson.Net
Topics pages now only list articles by Shawn Olson and very close friends and family.
Scams to make you feel cool
Scams I almost fell for... and Manchester Who's Who