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Society's sentiment towards evolution

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 30, 2011

People argue against evolution all the time when they've never read about it.

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anti-evolutionism, evolution, evolutionary misconceptions

Promoting Interest in the Classroom

Posted on Sep 22, 2008 | Last Updated Nov 12, 2011

An essay about the role teachers play in making subjects interesting, valuable and relevant to students. Prompted by an Open-House visit to Westland High School.

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education, interest

Fuel Tank Safety Measures

Posted on Feb 27, 2003 | Last Updated Oct 31, 2011

An overview of the safety measures fuel distributors take to minimize accidental disasters.

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fuel storage tank safety, shawn olson

How to get better teachers.

Posted on Jan 27, 2003 | Last Updated May 31, 2007

There is only one way to get better teachers. Pay them more.

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education, salary, money, teacher, standards

Arizona Scorpion Photos

Posted on Apr 16, 2006 | Last Updated Nov 9, 2011
scorpionScorpion Photo

Photos of scorpions in the Arizona desert.

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scorpion, photo, arizona, wildlife

Mabi Ponce de Leon, Artist and Teacher

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 26, 2011

Bexley High School art teacher Mabi Ponce de Leon report was Olson's last article for the Columbus Messenger Newspapers.

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mabi ponce de leon, art, teacher, paint, bexley high school

Jennifer Pugh

Posted on Jun 30, 2011 | Last Updated Jun 30, 2011

Jenny is a lovely gal, hard worker, and mother of four.

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Traditional Hindu Wedding

Posted on May 22, 2005 | Last Updated Nov 8, 2011
hindu wedding ceremonyhindu wedding ceremonyhindu wedding rice

Photos of a traditional Hindu wedding in Columbus, Ohio.

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hindu wedding photos, indian, india

Using the Internet

Posted on Oct 19, 2002 | Last Updated Oct 26, 2011

This editorial on education was printed as a Chalkboard column in the Messenger.

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how people can use the internet, internet value

Wildlife Photos

Posted on Oct 27, 2007 | Last Updated Nov 11, 2011
Crab Spider PhotoThornsThorns Close UpBorer BeetleWaspDead GrasshopperDragonfly

Intriguing photos of wildlife and nature.

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wildlife, nature, photos
Wall Worm plugins and scripts for 3ds Max