Manatees - Columbus Zoo
Manatee photos from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium.
MP4 files in Flex VideoDisplay
Here is a solution to your problem if you are building an application in Flex 3 that uses the VideoDisplay component and the results fail to work in Internet Explorer and Chrome but mysteriously work in Firefox.
Using the Internet
This editorial on education was printed as a Chalkboard column in the Messenger.
Digital Wildlife Art
My first attempts at wildlife art using a computer. Art by Don Olson.
Wildlife Photos
Intriguing photos of wildlife and nature.
Subjects in the Classroom and Life
A discussion on the utilitarian value of the subjects our schools teach. This editorial on education was one of the last pieces Shawn Olson printed as a Messenger writer.
Undivided in a Divided Scene
Photos of Undivided at Newport plus interview.
Columbus Zoo Gibbon photos by Jenny
Pictures taken at the Columbus Zoo of the Gibbons by Jenny.
Columbus Zoo Aquarium Photos II by Jenny
Some pictures that I took of the aquarium at the Columbus Zoo - photos by Jenny.
Columbus Zoo Aquarium Photos by Jenny
Pictures that I took of the aquarium at the Columbus Zoo - photos by Jenny.