Chris Graduates
Photos of Christian Pugh, who graduated in June 2015.
Later Dude
Cringe Bassist Ryan Butcher has died.
Cringe Photos
Photographs of Columbus rock band Cringe, including interviews, live concerts, promo shots and practice photos. This is the largest online collection of Cringe photos.
Jennifer Pugh
Jenny is a lovely gal, hard worker, and mother of four.
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Brain Maze
Maze of a human brain. Maybe you are an important thought or a tapeworm egg. Either way, find your way to the center of the brain.
A brief overview of the color tools in CorelDRAW and PHOTO-PAINT, including a video tutorial and new features in CD X5.
This article demonstrates some of the new color features in CorelDRAW X5. The video demonstrates the basic methods of selecting colors in CorelDRAW and PHOTO-PAINT. New and experienced users can benefit from the video.
Dragon Maze
A maze challenge featuring dragon art. Try to sneak past the dragon and escape the maze.
Ambitions and Weekends
Essay on being self-aware and realizing that the human psyche has some hardwired contradictions and paradoxes.
Young Praying Mantis
Photos of some young praying mantises.