Ink Animals
Samples of wildlife in ink by Donald Olson.
Photo Edit Competition
I submitted a piece to the SitePoint Photo Editing competition.
Chihuly display at Franklin Park Conservatory
The Franklin Park Conservatory displayed the work of Dale Chihuly from October 11, 2003 to March 21, 2004.
The Great American Hoopty
My advice on used cars. If you can't tell... I hate cars. Their only redemption is that they offer something to talk and write about.
White Tail Deer Sculptures
Original whitetail deer sculptures by Donald Olson.
Donna Olson is ill
Donna Olson has had another stroke and is recovering at Doctor's West Hospital
Photographing People
Tips on portrait photography and the challenges of photographing human subjects.
Canon 30D Problem with Lexar CF Cards
Some makes of the Lexar high speed flash cards are not stable in Canon Digital SLRs like the 30D.