Lover of Hate
A poem on the dark side of humanity known as hatred.
Overly Dark Render Problem in 3DS Max 2009
Fix to dark render problem in 3ds Max 2009 where render looks fine in preview render window but not the final output file.
Exhausted Melodies
A poem about the repetitive nature of human nature. We all share certain core elements that repeat over the ages, linking us to humanity.
Picking that special gift
Picking out the right gift for your sweetheart isn't always easy. But this dog came to the right place, as he learns that nothing says love like a side of ham.
My Dark Side
Poems on personal selfishness, greed and other unsavory emotions.
The idea of love
A philosophical look at the human emotion of love, originally printed in the Messenger.
Crazy World
Essay on the turmoil of our world today and the current trend of escalating hatred, nationalism and xenophobia.
A Shallow Mess
Poem about the charlatans running this world.
Blood of unshackled love
Poem by Shawn Olson.