Major Directory Changes at ShawnOlson.Net
Topics pages now only list articles by Shawn Olson and very close friends and family.
Color - CSS and HTML
Tool for showing how to generate color using RGB values.
Change HTML Styles with JavaScript
Video and source files on using getElementById, getElementsByTagName and object oriented methods to dynamically change HTML element styles in JavaScript.
Strauss Shader bug in Render To Texture
You cannot use a material using the Strauss Shader when trying to output to the diffuse map with Render To Texture in 3DS Max 2010.
Overly Dark Render Problem in 3DS Max 2009
Fix to dark render problem in 3ds Max 2009 where render looks fine in preview render window but not the final output file.
Add Google Translation Links
Use this free custom JavaScript functions to add links to translate your web pages with the Google translation tools.
Upcoming Updates
An overview of upcoming updates and projects I am working on.
Steam and Internet Explorer 7
There is a bug in IE7 that sometimes won't let you connect to your favorite servers in Steam games like Counter-Strike.
Website Upgrades
The creative arts site gets some upgrades and makeovers.